The latest news from IBT:
Discover the IBT Infinity Pen: The Last Pen You'll Ever Need
ES Series: Why choose the IBT ES Series?
Software Comparison - Guide
Interactive screens: XI series design and innovation
Commercial Display: DiscoverIBT CD SeriesOne
How does a touchscreen work?
Touch Tables: Pros and Cons
IBT: Impressive Touch Technology
Advantages of Touchscreen
Hive Software | Detailed Guide
Touch Screen In Computer | Introduction, types, and explanation
Interactive Projector vs Interactive Display
How To Choose a Soundbar
Difference Between Magic Tables And Touch Tables
Interactive Displays vs. Traditional Displays: A Comparison
Applications of Interactive Displays
Guide to Different Types of Interactive Displays
Transforming Learning Landscapes: The Success of the '5,000 Books Project' for Taqwa School Library
IBT’s Life-Sustaining Water Wells Project now complete